Envision the essence and core of your personal being as an attentive presence that is always calm and alert, loving and strong – whatever may be happening on the surface.
You may agree that we have such a presence at our innermost core, or you may think such a notion is wishful thinking. Or somewhere in between. Or maybe you have never given the idea any serious consideration one way or another. Whatever your predisposition to this idea may be, I ask you to simply imagine such a “cool, calm, and collected” presence at your core.
This core presence will be described, discussed, and explored in depth here; indeed, that’s a primary purpose of this work. But for now, just picture, in whatever ways come to you without too much thought or effort, having a calm, clear, open-hearted presence at the very center of your being.
Now envision connecting to that core.
I contend that simply and earnestly imagining this state brings you closer to it, even if you don’t necessarily believe it is real. And the reason this works is because, in fact, this core presence is real.